Directories and Resources To Help You Find Sober Roommates In New Jersey

- A reliable, sober roommate will support your alcohol and substance-free life.
- Their presence and support will help remove or reduce relapse triggers during your recovery journey.
- There are several steps you can take to find a sober roommate, and we’re bringing them all together in one easy list.
- Epiphany Wellness can help you find a roommate through their alumni network.
Resources For Finding NJ Sober Roommates
A recipe is nice because it has an ingredient list and step-by-step directions. By the end, if you followed the directions, you should have the finished product. If only the process of finding a sober roommate were as easy.
Discussion boards online are replete with horror stories of roommates who are anything but sober. They might have seemed sober initially, but then you started living near them and realized they were anything but.
It’s tough enough to stick to the recovery journey; it’s even harder when you live close to someone potentially triggering your relapse.
Maybe you have a room you’re looking to rent, or you’re looking to rent a room. Whatever the case, you want a sober roommate but don’t know where to look.
We’ve created a practical and helpful guide for finding a sober roommate. While some of the steps can be accomplished out of order, if you follow all the steps, you should be able to find a sober roommate.
#1: Epiphany Wellness’ Alumni Network
Since we are Epiphany Wellness, we heartily recommend our own alumni network.
We specialize in substance use and co-occurring disorders within families. Our flexible treatment programs and evidence-based modalities specifically focus on helping people overcome their addictions by having an epiphany.
While sobriety is an important part of recovery, it’s not the same thing. Recovery is an epiphany – a moment of sudden clarity and insight.
People who successfully complete our program keep their epiphanies intact and translate them into persistent sober living. Once they graduate, they are placed into our carefully designed addiction aftercare program.
Part of this aftercare program is an alumni network because a supportive community makes all the difference in recovery. If you’re searching for a sober roommate, you could connect with someone in the Epiphany Wellness community and make the necessary arrangements.
Call us today to ask us about our alumni network.
#2: Word of Mouth
One of the first things you could do is access your personal relationship networks via word of mouth. You could tell your friends and post on social media that you’re looking for a sober roommate and see what responses you get.
This is the easiest option if someone you know is seeking a sober roommate. The more familiar you are with any interested friends, the more confidently you can decide whether they would make for a good sober roommate.
But, if the person is a friend of a friend, you might need to be more circumspect in evaluating them as a potential roommate. Don’t just take your friend’s approval–see for yourself what kind of person they are.
Check any sober roommate’s public-facing social media accounts to see if their lifestyle is conducive to sober living.
#3: Sign up for Sober Networking Online
Created by a licensed clinical social worker, exists to help anybody in drug or alcohol recovery find a sober roommate. You don’t need to be in recovery to use it–the only stipulation is that you want a sober roommate.
It also has a searchable database for sober-living houses across New Jersey and the USA. To use it, first, specify whether you’re trying to secure a room for yourself or rent a room for someone else. Then, you’ll have the ability to differentiate yourself via an advanced set of criteria such as:
- How much you can afford to pay in rent
- The general area you wish to live
- Your age
- How long you’ve been sober
- Whether or not you’ll be bringing a pet
- Your Gender
- Whether you’re smoking or non-smoking
You have a significant opportunity for success because there are over ten thousand potential roommates on
#4: Call a Hotline
If steps 1 through 3 didn’t work, and you’re still struggling to find a sober roommate, you could try calling the NJ211 hotline.
It’s open 24/7/365, and operators can access over 6600 community resources and New Jersey programs. It’s AIRS certified, meaning the service you get will be clear and consistent while adhering to professional standards.
NJ211 will likely connect you with a local addiction recovery support group or a related program. And from there, you can network to find a sober roommate.
You can call them at 211 or text your zip code at 898-211.
#5: Join an AA or NA Group
Since its founding in 1938, 12-step groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups have been reliable places to find practical and emotional support during recovery from addiction.
They are also great places to find roommates who also desire sobriety.
Hundreds of these support groups meet regularly around New Jersey. Surely, one exists near you. You aren’t required to participate in speaking – that’s totally voluntary. But, as you get to know the people in the group, you can determine whether someone else there is looking for a sober roommate.
- Find New Jersey AA meetings, search this directory.
- Find New Jersey NA meetings, search this directory.
#6 Local Churches
Local churches are fantastic places to find a sober roommate.
Church communities tend to value abstinence from drugs and alcohol highly, and it can help to have a roommate who believes in the value of abstaining from drugs and alcohol as you focus on your recovery.
A modern Biblical 12-step program is Re:Generation, which is currently hosted by several churches in New Jersey. Check out the group locator to find a participating church near you.
Other local churches may have congregation-specific addiction support groups, so ask a pastor what resources they have to offer you.
#7: Sign a Lease for a Sober Living House
If you still can’t find a sober roommate on your own, you could move into a home where it’s a requirement for living. New Jersey sober living houses (aka halfway houses) are transitional houses for up to 10 residents recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction.
Sober living houses are conceptually situated halfway between structured hospital care, where you’re considered “sick” all the time, and your unstructured home environment, where you have no access to addiction treatment or support.[1]
Generally, NJ sober-living homes are privately run and have no limit on how long you can stay. The owners will require you to pay rent, attend house meetings and court dates, complete chores, and attend support groups. Sober living homes require residents to maintain sobriety and have a built-in support system.
In New Jersey, there are many sober living homes, and you can search this free online directory to connect with one that suits your needs, history, and lifestyle.
Need Help? Get Sober With A Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment Solution
Maintaining an alcohol or drug addiction can shave years off your life. For instance, if your alcohol use disorder goes untreated, you can expect to live 24-28 years less than your friends who don’t drink.[2] One study found heroin users lost 15 years compared to their non-using peers.[3]
Because you want to experience every moment life offers, Epiphany Wellness is ready and willing to help.
We have expert staff who can administer addiction treatment to people across the entire state of New Jersey. Our treatment programs are designed to equip you with the tools you need to maintain long-term recovery.
You’ll get the same high-quality mental health and/or drug rehab treatment whether you receive residential or outpatient care.. Expect to be challenged yet supported the entire way. With us, you’ll never walk the road alone.
Find a Sober Roommate Near You
Your recovery journey is only as strong as the care and attention you give it. The more safe spaces you give yourself, the better your chances of getting a desirable outcome.
Having a sober roommate helps turn your room or home into a safe space. Your prospective roommate is one choice for which you don’t need the benefit of hindsight to understand why it’s so important to get it right the first time.
In New Jersey, there are various opportunities to attend sober events and connect with others who share the same goals. These experiences can help build strong relationships and support systems within the sober community.
Live. Breathe. Rest. Recover.
Frequently Asked Questions About Sober Living